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Snowflake: How Snowsight Is Better Than The Classic UI

Snowflake Snowsight offers an improved user experience in terms of writing and executing SQL queries. I’m going to share with you some of the things I like about Snowsight which might persuade you to move into it and leave the Classic UI behind.
Going into Snowsight
To get into Snowsight from the Classic UI, you just have to click the “Preview App” button on the menu bar beside other options like History, Worksheet, etc..
This will take you to Snowsight logon screen where it’s going to open a new Snowflake session upon logon.
File Directory-like Worksheets
Upon successful logon, you will be taken into the Worksheets tab. In Snowsight, your Worksheets are listed and organised as files as oppose to tabs in the Classic UI.

Classic UI